Thursday, February 11, 2010

To Have or to Have Not

Rejection at any age hurts. In grammar school, it's being picked last in a team sport. In high school it is not being asked to the dance... or worse, being politely (or maybe not so politely) declined. As an adult (at least for most girls), it is being alone on Valentine's Day. It seems ridiculous. Most even-headed single girls, who are not out there in search of a guy merely to have a guy, are fairly content with where they are, hoping that someday Mr. Right will materialize, but not willing to settle for something less. Even these girls seem to lose their wits when February rolls around. They look around and all they see is couples... it seems like the whole world is paired off... well, almost the whole world. And suddenly, being alone on that one day of the year seems like a fate worse than death (yes, I do speak from experience). I was thinking about this as I watched yet another e-harmony commercial, and suddenly, the answer seemed so simple. It is like childhood all over again... like sitting alone at lunch, or not having anyone to play with at recess. It is not the being alone part, it is the fact that there are other people around and yet they don't want to be with YOU. It's rarely personal, but we see it that way just the same. It is rejection in yet another form... a social snub. Others want to be with someone, but that someone is just not you.
Well, here is a challenge, girls (and guys), instead of feeling sorry for yourself, look around. There are other people out there who are alone - people who feel rejected... reach out to those people and be that someone who wants to spend time with them. Make them feel loved and wanted. Because, let's be honest... we all just want to feel like we belong sometimes.

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